"Full Service Licensed Locksmiths and Safe Technicians"
- Bonded & Insured
- Locally owned and operated
- Certified and Registered
- Active Member of; ALOA, SAVTA, LSA, NSO and Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
47705 West Rd. B-101 Wixom, MI 48393 DIRECTIONS: SW corner of Beck Rd. and West Rd, just North of I-96
*After hours service available
CPL, Certified Professional Locksmith
National Safeman's Organization
Locksmith Security Association
"Fast mobile service dispatched to your location!"
JK Locksmith Co., LLC, Established 1999
Full Service Licensed Locksmiths and Safe Technicians
SHOP HOURS: Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-3, Sun Closed